Class Details

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The Rockhampton Dog Obedience Club is a non-profit organisation dedicated to promoting responsible dog ownership. Individual problems can be discussed with your instructor before or after classes. Your instructor may not have all of the answers, but collectively, the instructor team has many of the answers.

We teach YOU to train YOUR dog. Your instructor will show you how to train your dog.  It is not their role to teach your dog, as you would not then have the skills to handle or control your pet away from your instructor. It is important to remember that first, your dog learns to learn from you, and the respect and rapport develops as your training expertise improves. Then you can truly say that you have ‘mastered’ your dog!

RDOC offers a variety of different dog training classes that can be done just for fun or on a competition level.


Class Information

New classes for both puppies and older dogs start every first Tuesday of the month from February to October (Puppy class in November only). The official classes and class times are as follows:

Monday nights

  • 6:00pm: Instructor training for instructors only
  • 6:30pm: Competition training for all members who wish to train their dog to a desired level of obedience or agility. This time slot is not structured and is open to all those who wish to compete and work with other members. Please note that you require your instructor's approval to attend Monday nights.

Tuesday nights

  • 6:30pm-7:15pm: 
    • Pet Dog Obedience Class 1 (Foundation Skills)
    • Pet Dog Obedience Class 2 (Confidence & Control)
  • 6:30pm-7:15pm: Puppy Class
  • 7:30pm-8:15pm: Dog Sports Class

Dog sport disciplines will run in 2 week blocks, with:
Weeks 1 and 2: Agility, Obedience and Rally-Obedience
Weeks 3 and 4: Tricks, Scentwork and Tracking

This class is for all members who have completed Pet Dog Obedience Class 1 and 2. This class covers a broad and varied range of activities that you can do with your dog, including: Agility, Obedience, Rally-Obedience, Tricks Scent Work and Tracking. You can find the timetable here. To ensure a smooth experience during the sports classes, all participating dogs must either be in a crate (owner-supplied) or secured in a vehicle when not actively training. 


Sunday mornings: Tracking training. If you are interested in tracking/track & search, please talk to your instructor to see if you are eligible to attend this training.

Additional classes: There will also be 6-week workshops offered throughout the year for various Dog sports disciplines (e.g. Rally-O, Agility, Scentwork).

Bookings for the Pet Dog Obediene Class and the Puppy Class are essential. To book, please send an email to [email protected]. Dog sport classes are 



The following fees for courses and training were adopted at the Annual General Meeting of Rockhampton Dog Obedience Club Inc for 2024 and have remained the same since 26 October 2022.

  • The Puppy Class Course is $130.00 for the 4 week course. Includes Dual Membership + Treat pouch (worth $38)
  • The Pet Dog Obedience Course is $170.00 for the 8 week course. Includes Dual Membership + Treat pouch (worth $38). If graduating from puppy to basic class the fee is reduced to $85 (half price).
  • Dog Sports Class is $10.00/night per dog
  • Monday nights competition training is $10.00/dog for those who do not attend Tuesday night classes. It is free for those who do attend Tuesday classes. 

Membership renewal fees for 2024/25 for returning members (puppy and basic obedience includes your membership fee):

  • Single Membership: $40.00
  • Dual Membership: $50.00
  • Junior membership: $10.00 

Clarification of age of Junior is 10 to 17 years of age inclusive in accordance with Dogs Queensland Rules and Rockhampton Dog Obedience Club Inc Rules.


Membership Form

Please click here to download the 2024/25 Membership Form. Please fill this out and bring it with you the first time you come to class. Copies are also available at the clubhouse.  


Contact Details

Rockhampton Dog Obedience Club
Rockhampton, QLD, Australia
Email : [email protected]